
Your right to privacy and data security is important to Frieda River Limited.

This policy sets out how Frieda River Limited collects and processes your personal information. Personal information shared with Frieda River Limited depending on the way you interact with us is maintained, controlled and kept secure by Frieda River Limited.

Frieda River Limited reserves the right to change this Privacy policy without notice to reflect changes in applicable laws or in our privacy compliance practices. The latest version of this policy will be available on the Frieda River Limited website.

If you have any questions about this policy, please email:

Frieda River only requests specific types of personal information.

Frieda River Limited may request your personal information if you contact us on a particular issue so we can respond if needed.

Frieda River Limited may ask for personal information including your name, e-mail address, phone number, address and (if applicable) business name and position within the company.

Frieda River only uses your personal information for specific purposes.

Personal information provided to Frieda River will be kept confidential and only used for the purpose it was given. We will ensure to the best of our abilities that this purpose is made known to you at the time you submit your personal information. Agents and contractors of Frieda River Limited who have access to your personal information are required to keep the information confidential and not use it for any purpose other than to carry out the services they are performing for Frieda River Limited.


Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the web browser of your device. These are used for site administration and analysis purposes. It is your decision to accept cookies or not. Accepting cookies will give you the best user experience on the website, while declining cookies could potentially interfere with your use of the site. If you wish not to take advantage of cookies, you may configure your browser not to accept them.

Frieda River Limited will not disclose personal information to any outside organisation for its use in marketing.

Your personal information will not be disclosed or sold to any organisation for use in marketing or solicitation. Your personal information may be shared with agents or contractors of Frieda River Limited for the purpose of performing services for Frieda River Limited.

Access to and correction of personal information.

If you request information through this website, you can request access at any time to any personal information that Frieda River Limited holds about you.

At your request, Frieda River Limited will take reasonable steps to correct any of your personal information if it can be established that the personal information is not accurate, complete or otherwise up-to-date.
